Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Launches on Steam

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition has arrived on Steam! Here at Beamdog we’re not only excited to have the opportunity to rejuvenate another classic Dungeons and Dragons title, but to reintroduce an experience as creative as it is compelling.

As Beamdog CEO and Project Director on the original Neverwinter Nights Trent Oster puts it, “To me Neverwinter Nights is a magical game. The combination of a powerful, yet easy-to-use toolset, the ability to run a persistent world, to play with your friends and the Dungeons & Dragons rules are an amazing structure  I’m still massively excited about the democratization of game design that the tools enable and the power of the dungeon master client to shape adventures on the fly. I think there has never been another game like Neverwinter Nights and the Enhanced Edition is an opportunity to carry that concept forward to even greater possibilities.”

Through the original campaign and premium modules, you’ll experience lovingly crafted stories filled with hours of exploration and excitement. You’ll journey with Aribeth and Drogon, slay drow and dragons, travel from mountain peaks in the frozen North to the depths of the Underdark. The heroes you create will travel the face of Faerun.

“Neverwinter Nights has been a beloved game for the past 15 years, with Beamdog's ongoing development and community support we hope the Enhanced Edition will be loved for 15+ more years.” - Jonathan Hill, Project Lead for Neverwinter Nights.

With the Aurora Toolset, you’ll be able to express your imagination by crafting an infinite variety of worlds, as well as exploring those created by others through the Steam Workshop. Build towers that reach for the Seven Heavens, pits descending into the Nine Hells, and cities stretching across countries and continents. All of this and more is within your grasp.

The Dungeon Master Client allows you to play Dungeons & Dragons with friends thousands of miles away. Since its inception, D&D has been a powerful collaborative experience, and Neverwinter Nights will allow you to challenge your friends’ wits and skill at arms in real-time. Never worry again about finding a group to indulge your hobby, just log in and discover the adventures that await.

The team at Beamdog are overjoyed to support Neverwinter’s fans in playing, crafting, and enjoying the worlds of Dungeons & Dragons, as well as your own

If you're curious what's been done so far, check out the changelog taking us from NWN 1.69 to Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Join the Party! Announcing a Special Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Launch Day Stream

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition is nearly here! NWN:EE will be available to purchase on Steam March 27, 2018.

This is your invitation to come celebrate the launch of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition during a special two-hour Twitch livestream!

We’ll be live Tuesday March 27 at 10am PT playing with the community on a newly Enhanced Arelith server. Tune in on Twitch for interviews with special guests, developer stories, and news about what’s next for Neverwinter Nights!

But that’s not all! Trent, Phil, and Jonathan will be giving away Steam keys and limited edition Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition t-shirts. As a special treat, one lucky live viewer will be chosen to have their portrait Neverwintererized by a Beamdog artist. All you have to do is show up for a chance to win! 

Guaranteed +5 against cold! Win yours!
We’re excited to finally see Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition available to fans on Steam. The best part? This is just the beginning! There’s bright future ahead for NWN:EE fans! Join us live and be a part of Neverwinter Nights history!

Want to get a head start? Pre-order Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on Beamdog or wishlist NWN:EE on Steam today!

Friday, March 23, 2018

March 23 Livestream Recap

Only 4 days till Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition launches on Steam!
During today’s Beamdog livestream, Studio Director Phillip Daigle and Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition product owner Jonathan Hill shared the latest NWN:EE and Infinity Engine news. Jonathan and Phil played Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition together and discussed what’s to come for NWN:EE on March 27.

Missed the stream? It's on YouTube and Twitch!

Here's a quick summary of the highlights from the livestream:

  • It’s the last day of the Siege of Dragonspear Collector's Edition sale! Order it on for just $99.99 USD.
  • You now can buy Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition from the Twitch store!
  • All our Infinity Engine titles are currently on GOG’s Greatest Stories sale!
  • To celebrate the March 27 Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition launch on Steam, we’ll be hosting a 2-hour livestream with guests, contests and prizes! Tune in at 10am PT.
  • On April 1 there will be a special livestream where Phil and some of the Beamdog team will reveal a secret project!
  • The 2.5 patch updates for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition and Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition are still in the works. We’re a little held up due to the upcoming launch of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, and some hotfixes were needed for Siege of Dragonspear on mobile devices, but the 2.5 patch updates are coming! Localization updates are currently being tested internally.
  • Build v8166 for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition has just been released. This patch focuses on camera, audio and part-based item/character issues. Check out the full patch notes here.

At 1080p, Phil’s UI scaling (left) is set to 1x while Jonathan’s UI scaling (right) is set to 2x.
  • The Roadmap and Input Trello boards for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition will continue after NWN:EE releases on Steam. They help us hear what the community think.
  • We work directly with the community - if you have an idea about Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition, share it on our forums, and vote for features you like on the Input board.
  • Steam Workshop already has an amazing amount of community created content for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. It works seamlessly with Neverwinter Nights override folders structure, just subscribe to the content you’re interested in, and it downloads automatically.
  • Our number one rule for NWN:EE is not to break backwards compatibility.
  • The Hall of Justice and sample character model from the tech demo are both available on Steam Workshop! Play with them, use them in mods, have fun!
  • Neverwinter Nights Vault is another place to look for custom content. It’s a real treasure for all Neverwinter Nights fans!

Phil (left) is using old character heads, while Jonathan (right) has downloaded a model from Steam Workshop. No matter which model you choose, you can play the same game together!
  • There currently is no release date for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on GOG.
  • After NWN:EE launches on Steam we’ll continue rolling out frequent development branch patches.
  • We want to let players move different interface windows as they wish and we’ll be opening up UI for modders. According to Jonathan, the more we unhardcode UI, the better.

How many magic caps did Phil get?
Excited for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition? Come and join the launch livestream on Tuesday, March 27, at 10am PT!

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition v8166

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition v8166 is now available on Steam and Beamdog. We’re closing in on the March 27 release date fast! 

This build brings Steam and Beamdog versions back in line and focuses on camera, audio, and part-based item/character issues.

“What happened to 8165?” you might ask. That build rolled out Thursday on Steam-only so our QA team would be able to test some Linux specific issues on that platform. 

  • Fixed an issue where Borderless full-screen mode (introduced in 8166) prevented some resolution changes from happening.
  • Reverted an attachment point fix causing attachment issues on cloaks and horses in 8166.
Known Issues: 
  • We are still looking into the Intel Integrated GPU-related crashes on Windows.
  • Windows players using the server tool may experience save game corruption if they load the game from a save game rather than a module and then attempt to save the game via the server tool while nobody is logged into the server. In cases like this, please save your game while at least one player is still online.
  • Fixed clipping/popping on some music tracks.
  • Fixed distortion/crackling on music.
  • Switched to using OpenALSoft to allow surround sound to work properly.
  • Fixed an issue with positional audio listener orientation that was causing undefined behavior.
  • Removed UI options that are no longer relevant with OpenAL.
  • Fixed case sensitivity issues with opening music files.
  • Fixed an array bounds issue in the MP3 decoder.
  • Paste (as in copy/paste) has been fixed.
  • Fixed the issue where part-based rendering would not attach properly; like crossbows, slings, tails and wings.
  • Fixed the camera issue where switching to Drive Mode would lock the zoom-axis erroneously.
  • Fixed the camera issue where it would start tilted down in some cases.
  • We fixed ANSI-encoding of text (sorry, not UTF-8 yet) in all input modes. Everything the NWN chat font supports should now work.
  • The console doesn’t emit \ (or `, depending) anymore when opening it.
  • The console cannot be closed anymore with the console-open key. The reason for this is that some console commands require \; i.e. workshopupload. Use ESC instead.
  • You can now type ~ and ` in the console.
  • We fixed an issue where UI click positions would sometimes not line up with the buttons after switching window mode or resizing the game window.
  • Lighting and normal-mapping on static objects has been improved.
  • Added a pointer on CGameObject dedicated to NWNX use.
  • Numpad Return now acts the same as Enter on the main key block.
  • Re-enabled 2x UI scaling on 1080p. Some main menu elements do not fit yet. We plan to update the screens that break so they play nice at 1080p.


  • Under Display Options, you can now set glFinishBeforeFBO=1. This will cost about 20% performance, but will fix post-process rendering issues on some setups, particularly Intel. When turned on, you’ll notice filter “leaking” into the next, producing visual artifacts (You can test this on the console by typing glFinishBeforeFBO=1). The alternative is to only run one post-process filter.
  • You can turn on Borderless Window mode by setting Borderless=1 under Display Options.
  • You can use DESKTOP-style fullscreen mode (“borderless fullscreen”) by setting FullScreenDesktopMode=1 under Display Options. FullScreen needs to be enabled as well for this to work.


Friday, March 16, 2018

March 16 Livestream Recap

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition launches on Steam March 27.
Today Beamdog CEO Trent Oster and Studio Director Phillip Daigle shared the latest news on Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition and Infinity Engine games. Phil played the first “Kill Phil” fan module and Trent showed his newest forge projects, a snakeskin steel dagger.

Missed the stream? It's on YouTube and Twitch!

Here's a quick summary of the highlights from the livestream:

  • Siege of Dragonspear is available on Google Play and the App Store. Celebration of its launch continues with a big Google Play and App Store sale on Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition!
  • Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition is now out on the Twitch store!
  • This month’s Dragon+ issue includes a story about Rancor, the sword of Dorn Il-Khan. Back in the day, Phil named the sword when Dave Gross came up with Dorn’s story.
  • Dragon+ recently  interviewed Phil. Check out the video on YouTube where Phil speaks about the development of the game and plays Siege of Dragonspear.
  • A new upgrade code is now available on for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition base game owners who want the Digital Deluxe package. Use coupon code NWNDDUPGRADE to get a $19.99 discount on your Digital Deluxe upgrade order.
  • We’re still on the hunt for strong C++ programmers. Check out our job listings!
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Trello boards keep evolving!
  • A few changes have happened on the Roadmap Trello board this week. The True Type Fonts (TTF) card is moved to the Long-term Active >3 months category. The card for Opening up the premium modules for module editing-building is moved from the Input board to the Short-term Active <3 months category. Requests to Add the ability to have a fourth class and to Fix parry are put into the Icebox. A new card - Toolset user interface (UI) upgrades - is brought to the Needs More Discussion category from the Input board. We need your specific feedback on the Toolset UI - please, share it in this thread.
  • Last week we announced Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition would launch on Steam on March 27. Our focus for the release version is stability and overall improvements.
  • We’re still experimenting with new graphics. We gave a glimpse via a tech demo we showed during last week’s livestream. This will not be available at launch.
  • The Hall of Justice showing off new engine features tech demo is now available to download via Steam Workshop. Community content creators, check it out here.
  • We are locking down NWN:EE features and fixes. The new 8164 build for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition is now available on Steam and the Beamdog Client. See the full patch notes here.
  • Everything that used to work in the original game should work in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. If something doesn’t work - let us know, and we will fix those bugs.
  • If you have suggestions, share them on the forum - that way they have a chance to appear on the Input Trello board.
  • At this moment we have nothing to comment about bringing Neverwinter Nights to mobile devices.
  • We are aware of the Intel Integrated GPU-related performance regressions and crashes, and are working hard on fixing them.
  • Fixes for the popping and hissing music and videos, as well as for the Linux Full screen bug are on our list.
Phil cherishes the beatings he is dealt in the “Phills fill” module by Mr Damage.
  • The team continues to work on the 2.5 patch updates for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition and Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Currently, localizations are being added to these updates.
  • An option to turn on and off a “fast mode” in Infinity Engine games is something we can look into after our work on the 2.5 patch is over. There’s no guarantee it can be implemented, however, as it could break Multiplayer.

Excited for what’s next? Come and join the next livestream next Friday!

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Patch 8164

Busy times at Beamdog! With the March 27 Steam release less than two weeks away, the team is locking down features and fixes. Build 8164 is now available on Steam and the Beamdog Client.

A new upgrade code is now available on for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition base game owners who want the Digital Deluxe package. If you own Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition just add the Digital Deluxe bundle and the coupon code NWNDDUPGRADE to get a $19.99 discount on your order.

Known Issues
  • We are still looking into the Intel Integrated GPU-related performance regressions, especially on Mac.
  • We are also looking into the Intel Integrated GPU-related crashes on Windows.
  • Crossbows & slings have a split/twisted appearance and animation. A fix is planned for 8165. 
  • A crash has been fixed with the toolset that would trigger when re-opening a conversation from search results.
  • The toolset should now run on Wine again.
  • Toolset script compiler no longer crashes when attempting to include a missing script.
  • The toolset now defaults to the NWN user directory when im/exporting erfs.
  • The camera bounds as configurable in the .ini now default to 1.69 values (unlocked).
  • Toolset crash when deleting an area with a uppercase resref was fixed.
  • The multiplayer server list doesn’t select a random server on open anymore.
  • The multiplayer server view now displays the server game type properly.
  • Combining parts no longer causes some geometry to sometimes disappear.
  • Normal mapped static lighting no longer causes lighting to be black for some static geometry.
  • Skin animations for parts that are attached now synch up exactly to the attached object and will no longer animate a few frames behind in certain situations.
  • Skybox position is now centered on the character, so skybox warping will no longer be apparent when you’re at the edge of large maps.
  • Game and server binaries now error out if no data files can be found, instead of crashing.
  • The console open/close key can now be typed in the game chat bar.
  • Some further memleaks in the Toolset were fixed.
  • The toolset script editor now accepts cyrillic/non-ascii input.
  • The toolset script compiler identifier limit has been bumped to 16K (from 8K; error manifested was “IDENTIFIER LIST FULL” for some very complex scripts).
  • The toolset keeps variables on triggers and encounters when repainting their polygon.
  • The toolset is now much faster when opening object properties.
  • Steam workshop now supports tags. Simply create a tags.txt file in your project root, containing the tags you want to assign to your upload, one per line.
Toolset area editor improvements:
  • Selected objects now don't move on single click
  • The object properties dialog opens on double click
  • Support for undo/redo operations on object move actions added
New functions: GetEventScript, SetEventScript to set NWScript event handlers on any supported object (including PCs).

Friday, March 9, 2018

March 9 Livestream Recap

A tech demo showing off what a talented modder can do with newly opened options in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
During today’s livestream Beamdog CEO Trent Oster and Studio Director Phillip Daigle announced the March 27 release date of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on Steam and streamed a tech demo showing off what can be done with newly opened options. They also spoke about the recently launched Siege of Dragonspear on mobile devices and upcoming patches for Infinity Engine Enhanced Editions.

Missed the stream? It's on YouTube and Twitch!

Here's a quick summary of the highlights from the livestream:

  • Big news! Siege of Dragonspear is out on Google Play and the App Store! Go grab it and have a great time!
  • Siege of Dragonspear on mobile is a standalone app. You can export your party from Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition into Siege of Dragonspear and continue your adventure into Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition.  
  • In celebration of the launch of Siege of Dragonspear on Android and iOS, Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition is on sale on Google Play and the App Store.
“This is a sweet box” ~ Phil
  • The Siege of Dragonspear Collector's Edition is on sale! Act quick!
  • The toughest part of bringing Siege of Dragonspear to tablets and phones was the size limit of applications on mobile platforms. Getting it to fit while balancing performance was a hurdle to get over.
  • As Phil mentioned in the interview with 148apps, the size of battles and crowd scenes in the original game murdered the performance of the game on lower end tablets. As such we had to increase the minimum requirements for Siege of Dragonspear.
  • At this time we don’t plan to bring Siege of Dragonspear-related content to Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Back during development of this expansion we had plans of adding a new questline into BGII:EE continuing the story of the Soultaker Dagger.

The Hall of Justice with original graphics (first image) and with a tech demo showing a work-in-progress of options we're exploring (second image)
  • More exciting news! Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition is coming to Steam on March 27!
  • The Head Start program won’t stop with the game’s launch. Development will be ongoing, we will continue to provide patches through the development branch on Steam which will then combine into bigger normal patches.
  • The development branch of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on Steam got a new patch this week. Build 8163, among other fixes, makes possible to play the Premium Modules in Multiplayer. Check out the full patch notes here.

An early look at a sample player character model
  • New content for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition will come as separate modules. We’re investigating requests for new content in the Original Campaign of Neverwinter Nights but don’t have a solution currently.
  • The issue of UI scaling freely on any resolution hasn’t been resolved yet as we are discussing possible approaches to it. UI refactor will happen further down the line.
  • Things are slowly rolling out for the Neverwinter Nights Toolset, we’re making some progress on it.
  • We’re still interested in getting feedback about possible henchmen control in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition from the community. Share your thoughts on the forums.
  • We have no formal plans to announce bringing Enhanced Editions to the Nintendo Switch, but this is something that is appealing to us.
The statue on left shows the recent attempt of improving its look, the statue on the right is an old model
  • The new beta build of the 2.5 patch for Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition is already available on, Steam and Google Play. New beta updates for Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition and Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition will be released as planned in the upcoming weeks.
  • We’re going to start rolling out new content for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition into the Steam Workshop soon, stay tuned.
  • We continue to hire! Check out our job offerings here.

Excited for what’s next? Come and join the next livestream next Friday!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Siege of Dragonspear Debuts on Google Play and the App Store

“Prepare yourself, Boo! We are about to embark on another epic adventure!” ~ Minsc

Hamsters, rangers and owners of Android and iOS devices everywhere, rejoice! Beamdog is proud to bring Siege of Dragonspear to Google Play and the App Store as a standalone adventure!

"Siege of Dragonspear is an exciting bridge between Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II, and I'm incredibly happy that we brought back all of the fan-favorite characters for an all-new adventure and that our phone and tablet fans finally get to experience this story." ~ Beamdog Studio Director Phillip Daigle

Siege of Dragonspear tells the story of the events between Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. The Forgotten Realms is in a time of strife as a crusade marches from the north, seizing supplies, forcing locals into military service, and disrupting trade along the Sword Coast. A charismatic warrior known as Caelar Argent leads this army, her background shrouded in mystery.

On the journey to this release we’ve defeated tons of technical hurdles, scored hundreds of critical hits, gone through dozens of attribute stat checks, tackled numerous dragons, fixed lots of bugs and crashes. Grab your tablet or a phone, download Siege of Dragonspear and prepare for more than 30 hours of adventure.

Siege of Dragonspear includes features ported from Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition to make gameplay friendlier for mobile players, including dialogue selection buttons, a "take all" button on containers, a tutorial popup with clearer explanations of the game screen.

Don’t fret desktop players! Many of the bug fixes and features mobile fans can enjoy now will be brought to Beamdog, Steam, and GOG with the 2.5 update!

We are proud to bring Siege of Dragonspear to mobile and can’t wait to hear all your stories about playing it. Share them with us on our Twitter, Facebook and the official forums.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition 2.5 Update Beta Improvements & Google Play Release

UPDATE: We're rolling out an early version of the 2.5 update to Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition on Google Play due to crashing issues on that platform with v1.4. Android players will see v2.5.13.2 made available over the next few days. Other platforms will be updated when the full 2.5 update is ready.

The 2.5 update beta for Icewind Dale: Enhanced continues with a new update! The following features and fixes will be rolling out to Steam and Beamdog today. An update to the beta on Google Play will follow in the near future.

Find out how to access the 2.5 update beta here.


[Steam] New achievement art added
[V/O] Italian V/O added
[Achievement] Implement 005 Godlike (30412)
All language names should be displayed alphabetically in English (12397)

Bug Fixes

Familiar and familiarsummoner objects should function correctly in scripts (34387)
Multiple reasons why story mode causes lag (34385)
Text at the top of the Language menu should not display "Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition" for French and Turkish (32462)
The area list in the debug console should work in HoW (34730)
Shamans should not get a biography entry meant for a druid (34724)
Turning off Story Mode should not give the Godlike achievement (34693)
Flaming Oil should not display its quantity twice when in the Quick Item bar (34292)
Abductees in Dragon's Eye level 1 should leave after Lizard King has been slain and the little girl has talked to you (34291)
Spirit Fire spell should work (34249)
Explosion effect should be triggered only once when entering Umber Hulk traps in Artisan's District (34247)
Boar Spirit summoned by Shamanic Dance should not use Myconid creature animation (34245)
Area map should not be fixed zoomed in after leaving Therik peacefully (34163)
(item) Wands should be assigned mschools and msectypes (34114)
Shadowdancers should not get incorrect number of starting skill points in HoW (33843)
[Import Character UI] Imported Rangers should not be able to skip "Racial Enemy" selection (33647)
Trap spells should go off instantly when they are approached (33598)
[Shaman] The UI should not behave as if you can memorize Shaman spells (33375)
Descriptions for Abilities should not be missing (33030)
Weapon Enchantment vs. creature type should work as per SoD (32959)
[Multiplayer] Chat messages should not be displayed twice in the activity log (32743)
[UI] Items should show their saving throw bonuses (32354)
(Spell) Caster of Spell Immunity should be able to pick spell school even while game is paused (32250)
Shaman's Dance button shouldn't look like a shield (32108)
The Summoner's Staff +3 should show abilities when paused (31952)
It should be possible to close the merchant trading screen using ESC hotkey (34367)
Ice Troll movement should not be too slow (34322)
(item) Wand of the Heavens should act as a level 5 spell (34113)
Subtitles on movies should not display when toggled off (34082)
[iOS] Color Choices interface should show all four sliders (32184)
Sphere of Chaos should play the proper visual effect when disintegrating the target (11893)
Starting party should not be missing their equipment and experience when beginning a new Heart of Winter campaign (32113)
Traps should not stop displaying after rogue detects them (32437)
Name and class for unrelated character should not be shown during skill selection at HoW character generation (33365)
[Android] Odd Small Girl should change into Yxunomei (34342)
Manually assigned scrolling keys should not stop working after a while (34397)
Character record should not show the levels of bonus priest spells in English for non-English languages (34523)
Nahal's Reckless Dweomer should not work with sequencers (34639)
Shield of Lathander should not provide benefits to evil creatures (34709)
Pushing Esc Key after casting spell Sequencer/Spell Trigger/Chain Contingency should return control to the game (35329)
[Multiplayer] SetWorldmap() should work for clients. (10409)
[iOS] The title should display its version number in the designated area of the main menus (32898)
[iOS] The build version number should always show and be consistently centered in the main menu (32451)
[Journal] Chapter 1 - Kresselack's Kill Priestess Quest Should Trigger Journal Update Notification (32332)
[Journal] Chapter 1 - Conversation with Arundel Should Trigger Journal Update Notification (32233)
[iOS] The name of an imported character should not be partially selected in Character Generation (32755)
[iOS] [Sound] Tapping outside the settings menu window while in game should not produce selection sound effects (32026)

Infinity Engine improvements

[iOS] [Multiplayer] Title should not crash on iPad 2 after 2 hours of continuous gameplay (31390)
The bmp renderer should not have a heavy memory leak (34868)
Scripts should be cached after load (34020)
Direct Connection' should not attempt to connect to a game session when an invalid IP is entered (33882)
Upgrade zlib to 1.2.11 (latest) (30061)
Add splprot type for current hp (34867)
[Multiplayer] Unaffordable items shouldn't remain greyed out if you sell enough items to purchase them (34105)
[Port from PSTEE] Actions responsible for setting zoom level (34074)
[Port from PSTEE] Actions that would make adjusting cutscenes to work with different framerates easier (34073)
[Port from PSTEE] Increasing global variable only once (34072)
[Port from PSTEE] Setting and checking BITs (34071)
[Port from PSTEE] Implement LUA GUI command that can be used to check in-game variable (34070)
[Character Creation UI] Shaman class should be sorted with the rest of the single class options (33753)
The Sleep portrait icon should work when caused by weapons (33646)
Items which stun should provide full feedback (33604)
[iOS] Import suffixes such as BG2CHARACTER should be case-insensitive (33128)
[Multiplayer] Area should not appear with the debug name in the character arbitration screen (31368)
Table "mageBookStrings" should be editable through a M_*.lua file (31244)
Ctrl-M should display the target's Luck value (31239)
Screenshots should be taken in the PNG format (31237)
Wand of Lightning should allow save for half damage (30165)
Add "Take All" button to containers (29868)
Protection from Evil should not result in a blank fighting style proficiency (24405)
Levels of bonus priest spells in the character record should not be missing (24261)
It should be possible to disable tooltips (24170)
Tooltip for the quick loot button should not be missing (24137)
Character record page should not show both "Strength Modification" and "Strength Extra Modification" (23634)
(UI Strings) Play button in the Customize Sound panel should use the right string (23387)
Dying in Black Pits should return to the Black Pits menu (21202)
[Multiplayer] Pressing Enter on the gameplay screen should activate the chat window (4079)
Ranger's Charm Animal ability should use the appropriate icon (34086)
Screenshot function should work in Save Screen (34085)
Story Mode should prevent the death of familiars (33620)
Sounds for Miscast Magic should have the same saves as the rest of the spell (33471)
Empty quickspell slots should not show I as their hotkey (31247)
[Multiplayer] Client characters should not benefit twice when items are removed and re-equipped (21071)
[Multiplayer] Importing a character should import its statistics when the Import Character Rules option is set to "Statistics" (23904)
Log history button should state what it does when the cursor is put over it (24136)
Half-Elves or Elves using charm protection should not be charmed (25353)
Animation INI middle-column sounds should be played (30176)
Assigned keys should function at once (33645)
Stealth button of thieves and rangers should not remain active after picking up items via quickloot bar (34276)
[Multiplayer] Host should not appear to be able to adjust spells for characters they do not control (34330)
Direct Connection should not produce error messages in command prompt (34401)
[Multiplayer] [Tablet] On screen keyboard should not appear at character arbitration unless the multiplayer chat window is selected by the player (34521)
Characters under Berserk should not lose real HPs if they rest/travel while Berserkering (34610)
[Multiplayer] Clients should be able to re-equip items such as the ring of wizardry after they remove them (34618)
(spell) [BG:EE] Sunfire should function; [BG:EE/BG2:EE] spell should be standardized throughout all IE games (35296)
Items using icons in BAM V2 format should not be cropped to fit into inventory or toolbar slots (24789)
Double clicking where 'Quick Loot' arrow normally is should not move camera to the NW corner of the map (22887)