Friday, February 9, 2018

NWN:EE 8157 & 8158 Patch Notes

Patches 8157 & 8158 introduce a number of bug fixes and Steam features in preparation for a  beta on that platform.

An old friend returns with a new look! The brand new Aribeth character model will be available to view through Steam Workshop. This model sets the standard for future Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition content.

Love it? Hate it? Have an idea? Let us know in the Beamdog forums!

Known Issues
  • Server filters (“Localvault only, Max Ping, etc.”) still don’t work. We’re redoing these soon-ish as part of the new-and-better server list display.
Regression Fixes
  • Servers will now grey out properly when the version is mismatching. This also introduces a change from previous versions, where older server versions would not list at all.
  • PvP mode column again displays the correct value.
  • We fixed yet more audio issues related to clipping issues in OpenMP3. This hopefully takes care of all remaining issues.
  • Steam: Support for Friends List through Steam. Support for Steam Workshop. Both are not available to beta testers, as Steam is not public yet.
  • MDL: Normals are read from ASCII files.
  • MDL: Tangents are read from ASCII files.
  • MDL: Animeshes now support TSB and thus normals & specular maps.
New configuration keys in nwnplayer.ini:
[Server Options]

BootPC(object oPC, string sReason = “”) now takes an optional string that is displayed to the client being kicked off.

New Script Commands:
// Gets the attack bonus limit.
// - The default value is 20.
int GetAttackBonusLimit();

// Gets the damage bonus limit.
// - The default value is 100.
int GetDamageBonusLimit();

// Gets the saving throw bonus limit.
// - The default value is 20.
int GetSavingThrowBonusLimit();

// Gets the ability bonus limit.
// - The default value is 12.
int GetAbilityBonusLimit();

// Gets the ability penalty limit.
// - The default value is 30.
int GetAbilityPenaltyLimit();

// Gets the skill bonus limit.
// - The default value is 50.
int GetSkillBonusLimit();

// Sets the attack bonus limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetAttackBonusLimit(int nNewLimit);

// Sets the damage bonus limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetDamageBonusLimit(int nNewLimit);

// Sets the saving throw bonus limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetSavingThrowBonusLimit(int nNewLimit);

// Sets the ability bonus limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetAbilityBonusLimit(int nNewLimit);

// Sets the ability penalty limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetAbilityPenaltyLimit(int nNewLimit);

// Sets the skill bonus limit.
// - The minimum value is 0.
void SetSkillBonusLimit(int nNewLimit);


  1. So now we can give ourselves over-powered attacks, attributes, and skills simply by editing the .ini file...

    I can see this being abused and exploited... A LOT! :-(

    1. Well you see Ben, this is a server side setting not a client side setting so this isn't managed by players on a multiplayer server but by admins and server owners. If a server owner or admin wants to create powerful items and cheat his way through the game there's DM mode and the toolkit to easily do any of that anyways for the removal of any fun so this doesn't really affect that at all.

      What it does open up is a larger overall game scaling system similar to what has been hacked together by the higherground team on their still running original nwn server which has to use various nwnx hacks to get attribute bonuses and abilities above these settings which is a very well working scaling systemt that provides alot of longevity to character progression on their servers. Now this will be available to people without having to use 3rd party memory hacks.

    2. Well you see Ben, this is a server side setting not a client side setting so players don't get the option to manipulate this on multiplayer servers unless their hosting.

      If someone wants to cheat on their own server they hardly need any encouragement or script changes to cheat their cheaty pants off with the tools already available to them.

    3. I was merely making a joke.

      To paraphrase 'the immortal' Edgar Allan Poe:

      [...] Quoth the Joker, 'Why so serious?!'


  2. Will this character model one day be available on the Beamdog client, or is this Steam workshop only?

  3. I think this is the Limits for the bonus and penalties. Not the actual values.
