A new update for the Beamdog Client is here! v2.1.8 brings a much asked for feature to Beamdog.com, the ability to purchase and play individual pieces of DLC!
As a part of this update, Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford has come to Beamdog.com. To install DLC in the Beamdog Client, choose the game the DLC is for and click the dropdown menu beneath the game's name.
All available DLC for the title should appear. Choose the one you wish to install and click the Apply DLC button. After your DLC has installed, it should appear in-game.
Beamdog Client v2.1.8 Patch Notes
- Beamdog Client DLC support implemented
- Added Install DLC button for downloading and installing DLC.
- After DLC has finished downloading, it will copy itself to all existing base game versions.
- Installing DLC will not overwrite any pre-existing files inside the base game that share the same filenames.
- Added a DLC download progress bar.
- Added DLC confirmation, error, and instruction messages.
- Warning text added when trying to uninstall DLC in case user is running the game, an editor, or a server.
- Uninstalling a base game removes all DLC files.
- Uninstalling DLC will remove all DLC copies from installed base games.
- Updating a base game will not remove DLC files.
- Verifying a base game will not remove DLC files.
- Added logs tracking installing and removing progress of DLC.
- Client metadata of any DLC now requires a key-value pair: '"dlc": true' inside their channel info file.
- Client now prevents uninstalling DLC while game is running or DLC is installing.
- Fixed a crash when trying to uninstall a non-existing folder.
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